Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! More pictures from last weekend...I've always wanted good pictures of magnolia blooms, so we did some photo shoots after church (the bright sunny picture with both kids) and after our excursion to the park (see last post) on the shady side of the Medical Arts Building here in town. Much better lighting, but Michael was asleep in the van (parked about 5 feet from where Jeff took C's and my picture).

We spent yesterday evening with Jeff's parents and sister/brother-in-law/niece for Mother's Day. The boys always enjoy Grandma & Grandpa's house, especially when cousin Lucy is there to play with. They all crawled around in their makeshift "cave" under the dining room table. And it seems I will be an aunt again...HURRAY!:) Late November! Seeing as how I only had one chance to be an aunt (I'm an only child and Jeff only has one sibling), I'm super happy:)

Today the boys and I went to Sunday School, then home to finish packing up to head out for Great-Grandma & Grandpa's house in rural SW Iowa. My parents met us there. First, at home after SS: C made me a card at SS, then Jeff had a card AND a Roomba ...well I'd love a housekeeper, but this is the next-best thing!:) Michael loved it, but then again, he IS certifiably obsessed with "vacuumies" :) We left it cleaning while we headed out to G & G's.

The boys ran amok on the farm (pictures to come when I get them off the card) with Jeff along for the ride. They pretended to go fishing in the boat Steve & Chris have parked at the farm, they crawled around in the granary, they "drove" the tractor in the shed, they petted The Cat, they played in the house, and I-don't-know-what-else! They were very busy little boys:) We had a wonderful visit and a great meal full of plenty of desserts for Christopher. (Hey, he likes his veggies too).

The only thing that would have made it a better day...a nice sound-proof divider between the front and back seats in the van:) I like their sweet chatter, but the occasional squabble and annoying rhyme that goes on for 15 minutes, I could do without. ;) Btw, aren't men supposed to talk less than women?! Christopher didn't get that memo...


Sarah Coggins said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Beautiful pictures. :)

Heather said...

Okay, the second photo is too cute!!! Do you like your Roomba? I've always admired it from afar.... BTW, how do you prepare sweet potatoes for your kiddos?