Monday, October 13, 2008

Owl Sighting (REAL)

Yes, I mean a real LIVE owl sighting! You may remember from my other owl entry (a few days back) that we've heard an owl out our windows on a couple occasions in the last 6 months. About 4 nights ago I awoke knowing I had heard something, so I stayed awake to see if whatever it was made noise again. I heard the owl several times over a couple of minutes, and it sounded VERY loud...therefore close by!

So 4am or not, lol, here I am squinting out my west bedroom window with my glasses on (can't see very well in them, especially at night). I thought I could detect something large sitting on my neighbor's roof, and it sure didn't look like the normal little straight pipe/chimney thingie to me. Sure enough, when I slowly tried to open the window so I could hear better, it spooked Mr. Owl (or maybe Mrs.) and he/she flew off my neighbor's roof. Way cool!!

Credits for card: Heidi Larsen Hoot Fest June (check out the next page on the link provided...she's done several Hoot Fest collections, all very cute. So far I've only succumbed to 2 of them, but I have my eye on October...


Joellyn said...

That is very cool, Cheri. My sister got a great picture of an owl this summer when she was exploring an old German cemetery in ND. I would love to see an owl out my window or take a picture of one.

Fonda said...

What a gift to get to see/hear one! I've never heard/seen an owl since we have lived in IA (10 years). In southern MO we would hear/see them all the time. I think I even have some pics of a small screech owl or some sort of small variety, I should find those and scrap him. Randy actually hit an owl last year in central Arkansas during deer season, it sheared the antenna right off the truck and I think scarred him and his buddy to death in the process!

Janet said...

What an adorable card! Love that HootFest stuff! :-)
Oh, I think it is WAY COOL to see an owl at night. I saw one in our pine tree a few months back and it was a real treat. Very rarely I will hear them outside our windows at night.